EU Referendum – We are prisoners of an ill thought out dilemma.

Articles are mounting up in the world’s press highlighting the dilemmas facing the British voters, the political parties and the EU member states. Conflicts and Contradictions: If the state of the NHS will be threatened by Brexit – why put it in jeopardy by having the Referendum? The Referendum was tactical in dealing with UKIPContinue reading “EU Referendum – We are prisoners of an ill thought out dilemma.”

The Post Referendum Negotiations have Started Already. Where is the Leadership?

Whether the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland decide to remain or leave the E.U. there will be negotiations inside and outside the Kingdom involving organisations great and small.  But to negotiate with strength, control and authority there will need to be a much clearer set of objectives than haveContinue reading “The Post Referendum Negotiations have Started Already. Where is the Leadership?”

The Negotiating Gifts from Greece – #2 – Kicking The Can Down The Road – Deadlocking

  Argue and keep arguing – whilst arguing you are not making concessions or even proposals. In fact you are not negotiating (attempting to secure an agreement). You keep the position in stasis by playing the argument game. Negotiations appear to be ongoing, but the reality is deadlock. This is used for many reasons –Continue reading “The Negotiating Gifts from Greece – #2 – Kicking The Can Down The Road – Deadlocking”